Entrepreneur, Investor, Mentor, Author
Watch this 1 minute video about mentoring that could change your teens life!
Contact Scott Paly
Successful People Have One Thing In Common
What they should have taught your child in school about mentoring, but didn't.
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook
Former Apple Inc. CEO, the late Steve Jobs, served as a mentor to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Steve Jobs showed him how he could build a great team...
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah says that Maya Angelou, a celebrated author and poet helped guide her through many important milestones in her life and commented that she doesn’t think anyone in this world makes it without having a great mentor.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates helped achieve his billionaire success from Warren Buffet. Gates credits Buffet for teaching him how to deal with tough situations and how to think long term.
Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group
“If you ask any successful businessperson, they will always (say they) have had a great mentor at some point along the road.”
Branson asked British airline entrepreneur, Sir Freddie Laker, for guidance during his struggle to get Virgin Atlantic off the ground.
All it takes is one simple action. Decide to get involved TODAY. WATCH this 1 minute video.
Scott Paly's book "Get It Together" can change the path of a young adult from disaster to success.
Imagine what the world would be like if people chose not to get involved.
To say that they’re too busy or too important to mentor young adults…
Think about what the world would be like if ordinary people chose not to give of themselves when asked to be a mentor by a young adult. Exactly!!
The world would have been denied the accomplishments and talents of so many incredible people.
How about you?
Isn’t it time you made a difference in a young adults life? BUY now.
Bob Dylan would have never met and been mentored by musician Woody Gutherie (“This Land Is Your Land’), he would never have had the courage to move to New York City and be discovered.
Astronaut and former U.S. Senator, John Glenn would not have been mentored by his high school civics teacher, and never been the first human to visit space and safely return to earth.
Ansel Adams would not have been mentored and encouraged by his father to pursue his passion for photography. The world would be without his beautiful black and white landscape photographs of the American West.
Famous fashion designer Christian Dior would not have mentored Yves St. Laurent at the age of 21, and the iconic brand known as YSL would have never been created.
Luther Powell would have never taken the time to mentor and coach his son U.S. Army General Colin Powell, and America would have been denied the genius of his leadership in battle and government.
The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, would have never been mentored by Warren Buffet, and the “age of technology” as we know it would have never been born.
Dr. Arthur Walker would have never encouraged physicist and astronaut Sally Ride to apply to NASA’s astronaut corps, and she would not have become the first American woman in space.
Virgin Group co-founder Richard Branson would not have been influenced by Sir Freddie Laker, and the multinational conglomerate Virgin Atlantic would have never gotten off the ground.
Actor and director Clint Eastwood’s grandmother would not have mentored and encouraged him to pursue his dreams of becoming an actor, and we would have never been introduced to “Dirty Harry” on the big screen
With your help, Get It Together will teach your child:
The importance of building a team of people who are successful in their own right, who they and others respect highly, and from whom they can learn and grow.
About traditional values like working hard, honoring their commitments to themselves and others, the rewards of volunteerism, and the importance of moderation in all aspects of their lives.
How to communicate with people including; parents, teachers, police, military personnel, and other figures of authority.
Important things to know like; what it means to be a citizen of the United States, their rights versus entitlements, how to fly and fold the American flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and National Anthem.
The best way to select and gain admission to the right college, and how to pay for it.
How to find a good job, including; how to write a resume, how to interview by phone or in-person, and how to be a valued employee.
About money and how to manage it, including; the magic of compound interest, understanding credits and debits, how to open a bank account, writing checks, managing a credit card, and saving for the future.
The “value” of protection, and why they need to own insurance policies like; health, auto, renters/homeowners, moving, disability, and life.
How to start their life outside of the home including; finding an apartment, selecting the right roommate, how to budget and buy “smart”, eating healthy, and the “costs” of alcohol.
Other important life skills like; how to find the right doctor and dentist, buying a car, voting, making travel arrangements, doing laundry, cooking meals at home.
…and much more.
So many young people today gauge money as the litmus test for success and by most standards, that’s how we judge as well.
Is your teen fully benefiting from his or her time in high-school or college? Do they understand what it takes to become successful?
Did you know that often a few shared words from someone who made it on his or her own, might open your child’s eyes to a more meaningful education and help them as they become young adults?
Today’s teens need mentors, even if they don’t know it yet. Here are 4 short video out-takes about the benefits of a mentor.
Here’s my definition of SUCCESS: It’s not how much money you have. It’s about pursuing your passion and doing it well.
If you fulfill your passion, you don’t have to be rich. You just need to be more careful how you spend what you earn and how you save for the things you need, and for retirement. If you can achieve this, then in my opinion you are a success.
TV, social media and ads are all about the “bling.” It’s a false picture. Our kids spend money on the “now” without understanding about saving for the future, buying a car or a home, dealing with an emergency, family needs or saving for retirement. It is a tragedy that so many Americans don’t have more than $10,000 in cash put away for retirement.
What would it be worth to you, if I told you that your child’s high school created a course that would teach them how to make better choices in life? Well, most haven’t.
Wouldn’t it be great if your teen understood the value of mentors and knew how to approach someone to mentor him or her? Don’t you think it would give them a better chance making the right choices in their life?
Most young adults don’t know:
What a team of mentors is and how a mentor can be of benefit to them
Who should be on ‘their’ team
How to invite someone to be a part of the team
How to discuss with their mentor(s) the issues they think that a mentor could help them with
Why he or she should care about the situation they are in and the choices made
Now, think about what your teen should know but most likely does not -
How to get into college, opening a bank account, applying for a credit card and building their credit and credit score; how to interview, buy or lease a car, write a resume, finances and how to be successful at work;
How to find and interview a roommate, starting your own family, financing a college education, saving for the future – how insurance works and why you need it, and so much more.
I’m Scott Paly and I started my professional career by building a network of mentors.
Now I am sharing how I built my team of advisers. I started connecting with mentors during high school. I realized then, some 40 years ago, that the collective life-experiences of many helped me hone my skills, choices and decisions. I want to share with you the ideas, tips and mentoring skills that allowed me to retire by my late 30’s.
That’s why I decided to write “Get It Together”, a book about mentoring and the choices and decisions teens make.
I’ve been talking about the lack of high school life-skill courses and mentoring programs on radio across the country. I’ve also made 4 short introduction videos where I talk about the importance of mentoring and my definition of success. Click HERE to watch these short video out-takes.
“Get It Together” teaches young adults how to transition into adulthood. It is a fun, educational mentoring guide that provides teens who face challenges, with a pathway to a successful life.
Believe or not, but today’s young adults really want to learn how to lead independent lives, make good decisions and they want to be successful.
Here are excerpt testimonials from people who bought my book:
“My husband and I were very impressed with this book. Actually - more than impressed. It is absolutely outstanding. It will be every young person's go-to book, a lesson for adults who missed some points on their way up and still interesting to the mature adult who thought they had it all figured out! It’s written in such an easy manner with a witty and clever sense of humor. In the section regarding life insurance: "...... A little grim but there we are." I was reading the book in bed and laughed and even choked out loud! I can see the author probably got a lot of good material from years of being a parent. A very good one, I am certain as the book didn't miss a thing.”“This is a great guide to help an old child move into young adulthood. It includes everything from what you will need (documents), to the things you should carry on your person, to how a build a network of people to help you on your journey.”
“This is an effective and instructive guidebook for youngsters. It's not only practical in preparation for their future, but appropriate information for all ages.”
“Really wish I'd read a book like this when I was younger. I'm 37 now and have been learning a lot of what Mr. Paly is teaching in Get It Together, the hard way, by trial and error, with very little mentor-ship or guidance.”
“This book is packed with things you forgot to teach your kid...best money spent this year!”
“What an awesome gift for any young person about to embark on their journey into adulthood.”
“Get It Together” is a MUST READ for any high schooler. BUY "Get It Together" HERE!
Today, our children need mentors who share their life experiences, give guidance and provide advice.
The more I can show to school administrators that parents want these important changes for their kids, then school boards will be encouraged to allocate the resources to make this happen.
Partner with us HERE.
Our children are raised to be consumers, which is fine, as long as they have the ability to manage basic life skills including their finances and how to save for the future.
Who guides your child on the path to make sound decisions?
Here’s a recent excerpt from a FOX Business article, “Many students entering college haven’t mastered basic life skills such as changing a tire or balancing a checkbook, so some universities are responding with noncredit workshops sometimes called Adulting 101.”
The article goes on to say “When high schools began focusing on core subjects for testing, classes known as home economics or family and consumer science began to decline.“
By 2012, fewer than 3.5 million students were taking such classes, a 38% drop in a decade. Imagine what it is today!
Our teens and young adults seem to be smarter than our generation was. But many of today’s young adults lack the basic knowledge, how to make decisions that will impact their future.
This Z Gen is in a transformational age of virtual realities, mixed messages and influenced by many types of local and global social groups, cultures and behaviors.
My question is, why don’t we teach these fundamental life skills at an earlier age in high school and why haven’t our educators recognized this need, or have they?
We are seeing more and more university students asking for life skill courses because they haven’t had exposure to this in high school. How can you not provide your teen with the tools they need to make good decisions and choices?
Poor decisions can lead to unfortunate circumstances.
A point in case: a recent NBC news article about Instagram warns that teens are changing their personal profiles to business profiles to gain access to a higher level of Instagram metrics’. Did you know that business accounts allow other Instagrammers to see your child’s personal data including name, email and mobile number and it is now public data (Google search).
Here’s a quote from the NBC article “Perez was unaware her daughter had marked her Instagram profile as a “business,” exposing her personal contact details — including her email and cellphone number — to anyone who tried to find it.”
If you find out your teen or tween created a business profile, it might be too late to remove this information from Google’s search results.
I don’t know any other author that stands behind their book the way I do.
All the best,
Scott Paly
There are so many stories about teens making poor choices. Young adults don’t understand the consequences and thus expose their personal information to hackers, stalkers and worse.
It’s not just social media. Have you wondered about who your child’s friends are, who they interact with, how they spend their (your) money, and how they live every-day life?
By now you’ve realized that in most high-schools, life-skill curriculums are non-existent.
We are working with high-school boards, administrators and youth centered volunteer groups to make the case to add life-skill curriculum and mentors back into our school systems. If you are someone who believes that your child needs a better understanding how to make choices and decisions, reach out to me. Let’s talk about how we can get your school involved.
In addition, we provide teachers with an educator’s mentors guide with tips and tools, making it easy, fun and motivating for students to follow along and participate in solving, understanding and engaging in choices and decisions!