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"Saying you want to make a difference in a young adult’s life is not good enough. You need to do something about it…"

How Young Adults Can Make It In Today’s World

Get It Together is a guide for young adult’s on how to become confident, competent, and successful adults...

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My name is Scott Paly, and I’m the author of Get It Together.


I wrote this book because I’m concerned about the young people in our country.


Many are lost, and need your help.


They need your guidance, your experience, and your wisdom.


They need you to care and encourage them.


They need you to spend time with them and show them the way.


And that’s exactly what you can do with help from Get It Together


“It’s the perfect tool for teens and young adults who are transitioning into adulthood and need real-world advice.


…the kind of advice that’s not taught in schools these days.


The lessons taught in this book will help them take control of their lives, and prepare to be successful adults.


If teenagers and young adults have a good orientation to what it takes to be successful and cultivate and engage with mentors, great things can happen”

Scott Paly


Get It Together will show young adults how to make it in today’s world.


With you as their guide and mentor through this process of discovery, they cannot fail.

Listen to some of the inspiring stories of how mentorship made all the difference in the lives of these celebrated Americans:


Oprah Winfrey is best known for her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show. As a young adult, Oprah was mentored by celebrated author and poet Maya Angelou.


Oprah says, “She was there for me always, guiding me through some of the most important years of my life.”


She goes on to say, “Mentors are important and I don’t think anybody makes it in this world without some form of mentorship”.


As a young man, Martin Luther King, Jr. was mentored by former Morehouse College President Dr. Benjamin Mays.


Dr. Mays was an outspoken critic of segregation before the birth of the modern civil rights movement. They met when Dr. King was an undergraduate student at Morehouse College. They remained close until Dr. King’s assassination in 1968.


Dr. King learned two things from Dr. Mays; dignity of all human beings, and the incompatibility of American democratic ideals with American social practices.


These ideals became the “voice” for Dr. King as he grew to become the leader of the civil rights movement.


Former CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite owes his success as a journalist to his high school teacher, and mentor, Fred Birney.


Cronkite said of Birney, “He taught me so much in those high school journalism classes, and by securing me those early jobs, he cemented my desire to be a reporter for the rest of my life. He was my major inspiration. I always credit Fred Birney for my career.” 


That’s the power of mentoring.


And you can do the same exact thing for a young adult in your life.


I know what you’re thinking right about now; “I’m not qualified to be a mentor”, or “I don’t have the time”, or “I don’t know what talk about?”


That’s okay...


Anyone who’s ever been a mentor to a young adult felt that way at the beginning, maybe even worse than you.


But to be a great mentor, all you need are three things –


  • A caring and giving spirit


  • A little spare time


  • And a “SUCCESS” manual


Your job is to take care of #1 and #2, and I’ll take care of #3.


Your “SUCCESS” manual, Get It Together, will help you mentor your young person on how to be a successful and happy adult.

With your help, Get It Together will teach them:


  • The importance of building a team of people who are successful in their own right, who they and others respect highly, and from whom they can learn and grow.


  • About traditional values like working hard, honoring their commitments to themselves and others, the rewards of volunteerism, and the importance of moderation in all aspects of their lives.


  • How to communicate with people including; parents, teachers, police, military personnel, and other figures of authority.


  • Important things to know like; what it means to be a citizen of the United States, their rights versus entitlements, how to fly and fold the American flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and National Anthem.


  • The best way to select and gain admission to the right college, and how to pay for it.


  • How to find a good job, including; how to write a resume, how to interview by phone or in-person, and how to be a valued employee.


  • About money and how to manage it, including; the magic of compound interest, understanding credits and debits, how to open a bank account, writing checks, managing a credit card, and saving for the future.


  • The “value” of protection, and why they need to own insurance policies like; health, auto, renters/homeowners, moving, disability, and life.


  • How to start their life outside of the home including; finding an apartment, selecting the right roommate, how to budget and buy “smart”, eating healthy, and the “costs” of alcohol.


  • Other important life skills like; how to find the right doctor and dentist, buying a car, voting, making travel arrangements, doing laundry, cooking meals at home.


…and much more.


Get It Together combined with your guidance and encouragement can change the path of a young adult from disaster to success.


All it takes is one simple action –


Decide to get involved TODAY.

Imagine what the world would be like if people chose not to get involved. To say that they’re too busy or too important to mentor young adults…

  • Bob Dylan would have never met and been mentored by musician Woody Gutherie (“This Land Is Your Land’), he would never have had the courage to move to New York City and be discovered.


  • Astronaut and former U.S. Senator, John Glenn would not have been mentored by his high school civics teacher, and never been the first human to visit space and safely return to earth.


  • Ansel Adams would not have been mentored and encouraged by his father to pursue his passion for photography. The world would be without his beautiful black and white landscape photographs of the American West.


  • Famous fashion designer Christian Dior would not have mentored Yves St. Laurent at the age of 21, and the iconic brand known as YSL would have never been created.


  • Luther Powell would have never taken the time to mentor and coach his son U.S. Army General Colin Powell, and America would have been denied the genius of his leadership in battle and government.


  • The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, would have never been mentored by Warren Buffet, and the “age of technology” as we know it would have never been born.


  • Dr. Arthur Walker would have never encouraged physicist and astronaut Sally Ride to apply to NASA’s astronaut corps, and she would not have become the first American woman in space.


  • Virgin Group co-founder Richard Branson would not have been influenced by Sir Freddie Laker, and the multinational conglomerate Virgin Atlantic would have never gotten off the ground.


  • Actor and director Clint Eastwood’s grandmother would not have mentored and encouraged him to pursue his dreams of becoming an actor, and we would have never been introduced to “Dirty Harry” on the big screen


Think about what the world would be like if ordinary people chose not to give of themselves when asked to be a mentor by a young adult.




The world would have been denied the accomplishments and talents of these incredible people.


How about you?


Isn’t it time you made a difference in a young adults life?



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The evidence could not be more apparent...


Mentoring has the power to work wonders.


Research shows that:


  • Girls with a mentor are two and a half times more likely to be confident in their academic performance.


  • Boys with a mentor are three times less likely to suffer peer pressure and anxiety, and two times less likely to develop negative behaviors.


  • A mentor increases a student’s likelihood of attending college by fifty percent.


  • Teacher mentorship doubles the odds of a student attending college.


  • Young people in a mentor program are forty-six percent less likely to use drugs and twenty-seven percent less likely to use alcohol.


Actor Denzel Washington once said about being a mentor;


Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living – if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing you the way. A mentor.”


Mentoring works, and Get It Together will help you get started and mentor your young adult the right way.


It’s the roadmap for young adults on how to make it in today’s world.



If you’re not convinced by now that being a mentor to a young adult is worth your time and effort, then let’s talk about

what it will do for YOU.

Things like:


  • Helping you to realize your true potential – When you mentor a young adult, it will empower you to improve your life and achieve your goals. You’ll be motivated to “Walk your talk…”


  • Giving back to your community – It’s one of the most powerful and effective ways to improve the future of your community. Invest in the next generation, and only good things can happen.


  • Discovering MORE about YOU – Mentoring others will help you learn more about who you are. Your strengths, weaknesses, experience, beliefs, and core values will become more apparent to you.


  • Feeling the joy of helping others – There’s no greater feeling in life than the joy that comes from making a positive impact on the life of a young person.


  • Becoming a better leader – Ask any leader who mentors young people, and they’ll tell you that it; questions your perspective, sharpens your skills, and introduce you to a different way of thinking and viewing the world around you.


Ask anyone who has mentored a young adult and they will tell you that it is perhaps THE most important and rewarding thing they’ve ever done in their life.


It’s powerful stuff.


And that’s exactly what Get It Together will do for you.


It is the perfect way for you to guide a young adult regardless of whether you’re a parent, mentor, coach, teacher, or counselor.


Get It Together will help prepare them for adulthood with confidence and purpose.


Here’s how…

Get It Together is a step-by-step progressive guide. Starting with “The Culture That Made America Great”, the book hits every important milestone in a young person’s life.


It’s a reference guide that will help to guide a young person through every turning point and decision into and during adulthood.

Throughout each chapter, there are short exercises that you will do with them. This act of engagement with the material will help them “own” it, and start applying the lessons in everyday life. 


For example, under the heading of “Hard Work”, the exercise asks: “List  some personal heroes that exemplify hard work. Write why you think highly of them. How are you like them?


Think about how this one exercise will influence the decisions and actions of a young adult.


...and Get It Together has dozens of exercises like this throughout the book.

The book reinforces, “Why you should care…” after every lesson. Telling a young adult the importance of a handshake and keeping their word is one thing. Explaining WHY it is important is another. As the book teaches:

The benefit to you for keeping your word is that it is the foundation for your path to success. The reason that this is so important is that trust between individuals in a relationship is everything…


Why you should care…is your teaching moment. It gives you, the mentor, an opportunity to “connect” and talk about how the lessons work in the real world.

With the help of this book, you’ll turn the words into tools that will help them grow to be successful and happy adults.

Get It Together is more than just words on paper. There are hundreds of images in the form of pictures, charts, graphs, templates, and infographics that help to promote learning.


It helps them “see” the information in a visual reference rather than just reading about it. The addition of images can help to make sure that connections are made, and information remembered.

It’s why mentoring is so important. Not only will you read the book with a young person, you’ll talk about the lessons and study the images for more clarity and understanding.


It’s how “good” life habits are formed in young adults, and you can help them get started on their journey TODAY.



Get It Together answers the question; “How can I help this young person become a successful adult?”


But you don’t have to believe me…


Here’s what others say about their experience with Get It Together:



“What an awesome gift for any young person about to embark on their journey into adulthood. I purchased the book as a gift for a brilliant young man about to head off to college. His mother had shared that her son had expressed some apprehension about being prepared to live on his own, and this book was just the ticket. Not long after, I received a text informing me that her son couldn't put the book down ... Well done!!!”



“Really wish I'd read a book like this when I was younger. I'm 37 now and have been learning a lot of what Mr. Paly is teaching in Get It Together the hard way, by trial and error, with very little mentor-ship or guidance. I'm especially enjoying the budgeting and finance section, as saving money has always been difficult for me. My partner and I sit and review this chapter regularly and have already started implementing some of Paly's suggestions.”



“This is an effective and instructive guide book for youngsters. It's not only practical in preparation for their future, but appropriate information for all ages. This well-planned manual contains significant advice for guidance counselors, teachers and social workers. Great teaching tool.”



“My husband and I were very impressed with this book. Actually - more than impressed. It is absolutely outstanding.

It will be every young person's go-to book, a lesson for adults who missed some points on their way up and still interesting to the mature adult who thought they had it all figured out! It’s written in such an easy manner with a witty and clever sense of humor. In the section regarding life insurance: "...... A little grim but there we are." I was reading the book in bed and laughed and even choked out loud! I can see the author probably got a lot of good material from years of being a parent. A very good one, I am certain as the book didn't miss a thing.

So, I bought 2 books originally and just finished ordering 2 more - and probably should have ordered one for each of our nieces and nephews. I'll be back, I am sure! There is something invaluable in there for every one of them and also for some friends and family members who may have missed a few really important lessons along the way.”



“This is a great guide to help an old child move into young adulthood. It includes everything from what you will need (documents), to the things you should carry on your person, to how a build a network of people to help you on your journey. No, not a bunch of Facebook friends, but real people that you know face to face.

This can help you bridge the gap from "digital life" to "real life" in a world that is changing around us.

The measure of the guide is the many time you will think "how that is so simple I should have known that." But you don't.

Highly recommended!”



“This is an effective and instructive guide book for youngsters. It's not only practical in preparation for their future, but appropriate information for all ages.


This well-planned manual contains significant advise for guidance counselors, teachers and social workers. Great teaching tool.”



Mike is a former Junior Achievement Volunteer who spent hundreds of hours in the classroom teaching high school students. He also served as Board Chair for the Southwest Connecticut Chapter of JA for 3 years.


After reading Get It Together, Mike said; “If only I had this book to share with my students when I was teaching. The information is invaluable for young people who are struggling with what to do, and how to do it. This book would make an amazing course for high school students in their junior or senior year. And it would be a godsend for the teachers.”


The evidence is crystal clear - Get It Together is making a BIG impact not only on the lives of the young adults it touches, but on those who’ve chosen to help through mentoring them.

And I want to make sure that you have every opportunity to get the most out of the book.

There's no magic to it really...


Here are some of my “Best Practices” tips on how to use it:


  • If you're a parent, read a section together and then talk about it. Let them swap stories or experiences, and work the exercise if there is one. Some of the exercises require practice, like role-playing. 


  • If you are a teacher/mentor/therapist/facilitator, ask participants to read as little or as much as they'd like. Keep going around the room until everyone has had a chance to read. Then, let them swap stories or experiences, and work the exercise if there is one.

It's really easy and a lot of fun.


You don't need to know anything.


That’s what the book is for. It will lead you down the right path every time. Just listen to them, share your experiences, and encourage them. 


Your time, guidance, and advice are the greatest gifts you can give a young adult whether you are a parent or a mentor.

Are you ready to make a difference in a young adult’s life TODAY?


If so, then I want to help you get started:


Order your GET IT TOGETHER book today, and I’ll give you a second book for FREE!


That’s right…


I want you to purchase one book for yourself, and give the second book to a friend, family member, coach, teacher, or mentor.


Help to spread the gospel on how to prepare a young person for a successful and happy life.




You can be THE difference in a young adult’s life with help from Get It Together. It’s the “must-have” guide for mentoring a young adult to a successful and happy life.


Order your first book now, and I’ll give you a second book for FREE!




And when you order TODAY, I’ll throw in some fantastic FREE bonuses:


BONUS #1: Free Shipping ($5 VALUE)


BONUS #2: 100% Money Back Guarantee


If you’re not happy with the book for ANY reason at ANY time, let me know, and I’ll refund your money. You don’t even have to send the book back to me. That’s how confident I am that Get It Together will get results for you and the young person in your life.


BONUS #3: Get It Together – MENTOR GUIDE ($24.95 VALUE)


I wrote this instructional guide to be used in conjunction with Get It Together. This Book normally sells for $24.95, and I’m giving a copy for FREE when you order Get It Together. Each section includes key points and guidance for accompanying exercises. It will help you get the most from Get It Together with your young adult(s).


But you have to order TODAY in order to get:


  • A Second GET IT TOGETHER Book FREE ($19.95 VALUE)


  • FREE Shipping ($5 VALUE)


  • My 100% Money Back Guarantee


  • My “Get It Together” – MENTOR GUIDE ($24.95 Value)




Get It Together is a guide for young adult’s on how to become confident, competent, and successful adults.


And it’s here just in time.


Order your book today, and join the movement of caring adults who will do anything in their power to help young adults succeed.


All the best,


Scott Paly




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